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Measuring our success

A ‘golden thread’ runs through all our policies and strategies, service planning, financial decision-making, programmes and projects, and business-as-usual activity - with the corporate plan as the central thread. Every staff member has a part to play in its successful delivery and will be able to recognise their contribution to the core themes. We have designed our corporate plan to meet the needs of the whole district, and our elected members place the core aims and objectives at the heart of their decision-making.

We are committed to open and transparent monitoring of progress against the delivery of the objectives set, and we will track progress in the following ways: 

Strategic and operational performance management

We will measure and monitor our progress in delivering our priorities, flex our resources, and approach accordingly. Our Performance Management Framework drives the what and the how of measuring success. Our performance monitoring is also aligned with our financial reporting and risk management. We will report quarterly strategic performance indicators, aligned to each corporate priority, to our Corporate Management Team, Cabinet, and Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Each service also has operational performance indicators managed by the Heads of Service in conjunction with the Corporate Management Team and their Portfolio Holders. All council employees will have performance and development reviews, connecting them to delivering our corporate priorities and service plans. 

Strategic reviews of service areas may occasionally lead to changes in key performance indicators during the year. Where this is the case, we will report these as part of the regular quarterly reporting process and reflect them in the next refresh of the performance management framework. 

Outcome-based approach

We are committed to improving outcomes for residents, businesses, the environment, as well as the health and state of our district. In addition to strategic performance indicators that we will report progress against through our performance reports, we will seek to design and develop additional outcome measures over the first and second years of the plan. We will also explore how far we can benchmark against nationally produced indicators and data and supplement these with various community engagement techniques to assess community wellbeing. 

Regular Review

We will keep our corporate plan under review, particularly when the Council faces new challenges or opportunities, whether nationally, regionally or within the district. 

The Medium-Term Financial Plan

Each year, we must produce a medium-term financial plan (MTFP) for approval by elected members. The MTFP sets out our spending plans in support of delivering the Corporate Plan objectives, presenting a balanced budget, and striving for value for money and financial stability and sustainability. 

Business and Service Plans

Every year, each service area across the council produces a business plan incorporated into an overall service plan for that area. These plans serve two purposes. Firstly, to set out proposed business activity in support of delivering the Corporate Plan, informed by policy developments, and encompassing short-, medium-, and long-term proposals. Secondly, business plans have an operational purpose, setting out business as usual activity and the resources required to deliver this. This element informs the day-to-day running of our services and informs individual objectives. Our Corporate Management Team is accountable to members for service and business plans, monitored through various aspects of our governance framework. 

Individual Objectives

For council staff, the ‘golden thread’ shows how individual work objectives contribute to the overall delivery of the corporate plan. Whether delivering a large and complex project like the Levelling Up - Dover Beacon Project, ensuring the streets are clean, carrying out our regulatory functions, or processing planning applications – all our staff are valued equally. 

Dover District Profile

This profile is our key evidence base and is available on our website. It allows us to monitor the effectiveness of Corporate Plan interventions designed to address issues and challenges identified across the district. The profile also enables us to identify emerging issues and plan appropriate interventions.