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Strategic Priority Five - Modernising our Council

A modern, innovative, and financially sustainable council that delivers efficient and quality services.

Like all councils, we face complex financial challenges when delivering our services. We will be a modern, agile, and proactive council that focuses on meeting the needs of our residents. We will be more open and transparent so residents can hold us accountable for spending their money and making decisions that affect their lives. We will deliver quality services that are accessible and easy to use.

Providing quality customer service

  • Developing our self-service options so customers can do business with us 24/7 to enable the most efficient transactions and smoother customer journeys.  
  • Collating and using data analytics to improve our services continually.
  • Providing support for all residents, focussing on equality, understanding and respect.
  • Improving communication with residents through all communication channels.
  • Listening and responding to the needs and experiences of our residents.
  • Wherever possible, resolve issues/queries the first time a customer contacts us. 

Delivering effective and efficient services

  • Managing our finances and contracts robustly to ensure the best value for money and social value. 
  • Developing an ongoing approach to self-evaluation and continuous improvement of our services to deliver year-on-year improvements focusing on our residents.
  • Continuing to invest in technology to support digital working and service for staff, including mobile teams. 
  • Continuing to develop the “Dover District Council” brand, website, and social media to support the provision of information and quality customer service.
  • Ensuring all our communications and publications are clear and accessible.
  • Ensuring our decision-making is robust and led by sound data and intelligence.
  • Improving access to council meetings, ensuring increased transparency, meaningful consultation, and better visibility. 

Maintaining financial stability

  • Providing a sound financial governance and control system and aligning the medium-term financial plan with our work plans, strategies, and major projects.
  • Exploring opportunities to work further with stakeholders and partner organisations.