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Strategic Priority Four - Supporting our communities

Safe and strong communities where residents live happy, healthy, and independent lives. 

We want the district to be a place where everyone can play a positive role in their community and be proud to call the district home. We will help our residents lead long, happy, and productive lives by improving their health and economic and social well-being.

Encouraging residents to lead active, healthy, and fulfilling lifestyles

  • Working with partners, residents, and other stakeholders to reduce health inequalities by tackling the wider determinants of health (such as built and natural environment, education, income, work, crime, and social capital).  
  • Continue investing in and enhancing the district’s leisure, well-being, cultural and visitor facilities, and services, such as local parks, open spaces, museums, information centres and pier. 
  • Increasing participation in sports and physical activity by making it accessible for all. 
  • Maximising green spaces to promote health and well-being, such as installing outdoor gyms. 
  • Supporting healthy living initiatives and programmes that reduce social isolation and help people to stay active and independent.  

Supporting, strengthening, and sustaining communities

  • Working collaboratively across sectors to develop a district solution to address the rising cost- of-living and reduce poverty, specifically focusing on food, fuel, housing, and digital inclusion.
  • Continuing to help the voluntary and community sector organisations through the grant process and other support to provide vital services to residents. 
  • Seeking new ways of bringing community funding into the district.
  • Supporting local groups in delivering a range of events and activities that celebrate the district’s diversity, encourage cohesion, and reconnect people with their wider community. 
  • Encouraging and supporting self-help and community action.
  • Encouraging individual and corporate volunteers to help strengthen communities. 
  • Continuing our best practice model for refugee resettlement in the district, warmly welcoming families and supporting integration and cohesion.
  • Strategically enhancing the district’s public toilet provision, focusing on our town centres and seafronts first.

Keeping the district safe 

  • Designing out crime as part of all new developments within the district.
  • Providing a CCTV service 24/7 to reduce the real and perceived levels of crime.
  • Continuing to drive the Community Safety Partnership with enforcement initiatives to reduce anti-social behaviour, environmental crime, and fly-tipping. 
  • Protecting people, especially the most vulnerable, through initiatives to reduce domestic abuse, exploitation, and misuse of drugs. 
  • Improving the health, safety and welfare of people living, working, and visiting the district through our port health and environmental services and licensing activities.
  • Responding early and effectively to public health risks from disease, pandemics, and other emergencies.