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Strategic Priority One - Improving our housing

Access to a range of decent homes that meet local needs. 

Access to affordable housing remains a challenge across this district and the country. We will facilitate quality, choice, and diversity in the housing market, assist in meeting housing needs and demand and deliver high-quality housing-related services. 

Providing decent, safe, and affordable homes for local people

  • Providing at least an average of 200 additional council homes (new build and acquisitions) each year (800 in total over the term of this plan). We will use these homes for either general needs or temporary accommodation purposes.
  • Creating a long-term strategy to support the provision of affordable housing and more housing choice that meets the needs of our residents.
  • Maximising external capital funding opportunities and developer contributions for affordable housing or social rented schemes.
  • Promoting and enabling the Community-Led Housing Programme.
  • Working to improve the standards in privately rented accommodation.
  • Collaborating with partners to reduce the number of empty homes, buildings, and properties in the district, especially within our Town Centres (Dover, Deal and Sandwich).

Supporting our tenants through a high-quality, well-managed service

  • Driving continuous improvement of our housing services in line with legislative reform. 
  • Undertaking refurbishments and improving the energy efficiency of our existing Council housing to at least decent home standard, as resources allow.  
  • Carrying out a stock condition survey and developing a new Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan framework for long-term strategic planning, maintenance, maximising rental income, and investment in and increasing our housing stock.
  • Proactively managing our neighbourhoods and supporting our tenants through community engagement, community safety initiatives, regulation, and enforcement.  

Supporting responsible development in the district

  • Using brownfield sites, such as council-owned garages and parking sites, to provide strategic housing developments, mixed-use and/or affordable homes.
  • Identifying opportunities for low-emission and green developments. 
  • Seeking low-cost construction solutions to support the provision of housing and affordable homes. 

Preventing homelessness and use of temporary accommodation

  • Making the best use of government homelessness and rough sleeper grant funding opportunities.
  • Increasing our number of homes for temporary accommodation to alleviate homelessness (as part of our overall ambition to provide additional council homes).
  • Working collaboratively with other statutory and voluntary sector agencies to support homeless people and those facing homelessness.