Kitchen Replacements

Our approach to kitchen replacements is to follow the guidance set out in the Decent Home Standard. To ensure that your home has ‘reasonably modern facilities and services’ we intend to provide a new kitchen every 20 years.

What to expect when you have a kitchen replacement

Together with the contractor, we will carry out a survey of your kitchen and agree a layout with yourself. The layout will include space for a cooker, washing machine and fridge freezer and we will try to accommodate your existing appliances.

You will also be given a choice of colours for the kitchen cabinet doors, worktop, wall tiling and floor covering.

Before starting, the contractor will provide you with a daily programme of works. On average, works take 15 working days from start to finish but there will be days when no works will be carried out to allow for any drying time etc.

We are currently working on a Guide to Kitchen Replacements and intend to provide a link to it in the coming months.

2022-23 Programme

View the Kitchen replacement programme for 2022-23.

Guide to Kitchen Replacements

Coming soon...

AFTER kitchen 1
After kitchen 2
After Kitchen 3