Connaught Barracks

Policy CP10 of the Core Strategy allocates the former Connaught Barracks complex for residential development (C3 use), with 500 dwellings planned for the site.

The Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) has transferred the ownership of two parts of the former Connaught Barracks site (Fort Burgoyne and the former training area) to the Land Trust who are are now considering future options for these areas.

Progress is also being made to bring forward the rest of the site:

  • Planning permission has been granted for the Officers' Mess site (64 units although this was outside of the monitoring period) and the HCA are now promoting this to the market in efforts to secure its delivery
  • Ongoing demolition work is happening on the site to facilitate the release of the land for residential development
  • The HCA are preparing a revised masterplan framework for the main site (which is a requirement of the Adopted Core Strategy) to inform a more detailed design for this area
  • The site has also been selected as 1 of 5 sites in the country to receive a share of a substantial government grant to build starter homes.

The development of Connaught Barracks is behind the timescales set out in the delivery plan in the Core Strategy, mainly due to its complex nature and difficult demolition and infrastructure issues set in a sensitive setting. Progress is however now underway on the site with the development of the Officers' Mess.




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