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Review of the Self-Build Register in 2019

The Self-Build register for Dover underwent a review in 2019 and the results indicated that more information was required from registrants on their local connection to the district and their financial capability to carry out a Self Build. 

To inform the Council on these issues, and in accordance with The Self-build and Custom Housebuilding (Register) Regulations 2016. We requested that all existing members re-register to confirm their local connection to Dover District and their financial capacity to carry out a Self-Build.  Everyone who does re-register will have their interest back dated to their initial registration.  To cover the administration costs of the register, all existing and new registrants will be required to pay a £30 registration fee and then after, a £15 annual renewal fee from the first of April after registration.

Payments for the Self-Build register have been suspended since March 2020 and are due to be re-instated from 1 April 2022. 

Those who meet the local connection and financial capacity requirements and have paid the registration fees will be placed on Part 1 of the register.  All persons interested in Self Build but not meeting those requirements and have paid the registration fee will be placed on Part 2 of the register. Part 1 of the register will then inform the Council of its the Self-Build need.