Deal Pier

Deal Pier from the beach

Deal Pier is a significant local landmark that offers excellent views of Deal sea front and features glass-walled cafe/restaurant at the end.  It is internationally recognised as an angling venue. 

Opening Hours

Please note: with the fireworks happening on the pier as part of Deal Carnival and Regatta Week, we will be closing at 4.30pm on Wednesday, 24 July.

April to November:

  • Sunday to Thursday: 8am to 10pm 
  • Friday and Saturday: 8am to midnight

December to March:

  • Sunday to Thursday: 8am to 6pm
  • Friday and Saturday: 8am to midnight
  • Christmas period: Christmas Eve – 8am–4pm; Christmas Day – Closed

There may be changes depending on any bad weather and this will be communicated via a poster on the gates.


Please note, the pier will be closing at 8pm on the below dates: 

28 July 2024

We will always aim to communicate early closing, however on occasion the pier may close earlier then the advertised time. 

Restaurant and takeaway shack

  • Monday to Thursday: 10am to 4pm
  • Friday to Sunday: 9am to 5pm
  • Takeaway shack: Daily 9am to 5pm

The restaurant and shack are operated by Deal Pier Kitchen

Lower Deck

Please note, following initial feedback from the structural survey on Deal Pier, we have taken the precautionary measure of temporarily closing the lower deck. The survey has identified that work needs to be done on the steps down to the lower deck, which will remain closed until work is carried out. The main part of Deal Pier remains open. Works will be carried out as soon as possible, and we apologise for any inconvenience. 



Tel: 01304 363815
