Public consultation on the draft Local Plan launches today
Dover District Council today (20 January 2021) publishes the first draft – the so-called Regulation 18 draft – of its new Local Plan setting out the vision and framework for development in the district to 2040.
Local residents, businesses, community groups, and statutory consultees are invited to review and comment on the draft Local Plan during the first round of public consultation which launches today and runs for eight weeks.
A dedicated Local Plan website ( has been developed so that as many people as possible can participate in the consultation despite current pandemic restrictions on public meetings and social distancing.
The website includes the full draft Local Plan document along with supporting evidence and a virtual exhibition with story maps for each part of the district.
Six online events will be held for members of the public, community groups, businesses and parish and town councils to listen and view a virtual presentation on the draft Local Plan proposals, and to post their questions online. Two public events will be hosted on:
- Thursday, 4 February 2021 (7.30pm to 9.00pm)
- Tuesday, 23 February 2021 (12.30pm -2.00pm)
A dedicated email address and telephone hotline on (01304) 872244 (staffed Monday to Thursday 10am-12pm) have also been set up for public enquiries and information about the draft Local Plan.
The first round of consultation ends at 5pm on Wednesday, 17 March 2021.
There will be a further period of consultation in the autumn with the final version of the Local Plan submitted for independent review by the Planning Inspectorate early in 2022.
Cllr Trevor Bartlett, Leader of Dover District Council, said: “I’m excited to see the draft Local Plan launched today setting out our vision for the District to be a place of aspiration, providing outstanding opportunities for sustainable living.
“The Local Plan lies at the heart of the planning system and will guide the development of housing, the economy, community facilities, and infrastructure in the district for the next twenty years.
“It’s vital that local people, businesses, community groups and stakeholders have their say in shaping the final document to make sure that we are reflecting what you want the future of our district to look like.
“I would encourage everyone to take some time to look at the draft plan which contains some ground breaking policies, especially on climate change, which will help ensure that sustainable development contributes to our ambition for the district to be carbon neutral by 2050.”

Posted on 20 January 2021