The Guildhall Square in Sandwich
Redevelopment of the Guildhall Square in Sandwich is to start in earnest in February 2023 following the award of a contract to local contractor, Aesir Construction.
Highway improvements in preparation for the redevelopment are now complete, and the awarding of the tender means the second phase of the works can start early next year, ensuring a disruption free Christmas and New Year for Sandwich residents, businesses and visitors.
From February, work will get underway to transform the square as a welcoming space for both residents and visitors, including resurfacing and the installation of new features such as improved seating, tree planting and lighting.
The project is part-funded by The R&A as part of The Open legacy, together with investment from Kent County Council, Dover District Council, Sandwich Town Council, Prince’s Golf Club and Discovery Park.
The work will be completed by the end of May 2023.
Residents can keep updated on the project by signing up to Dover District Council’s ‘Keep Me Posted’ email bulletin service and the Council’s website.
Posted on 02 December 2022