The Caucasian wingnut tree on Hewitt Corner in Dover
A public consultation is being held on proposals to extend the boundary of the Dour Street Conservation Area in Dover.
A Conservation Area Appraisal was drafted by The Dover Society, working with Dover District Council, which sets out what is considered to be of historic or architectural interest.
Following a recommendation, the council is now seeking to extend the boundary to include Hewitt Corner and the police station building.
Hewitt Corner is the only green space in the area and contains a large Caucasian wingnut tree which would be protected under the designation.
The police station on Park Place, which was built in the 1930s, is considered a historic building of architectural interest. If included in the conservation area, its heritage value would be taken into consideration should any proposals come forward to redevelop the site.

The public is now being asked to have a say on the proposals.
You can find the appraisal here https://www.dover.gov.uk/Planning/Conservation/Conservation-Areas/Dour-St-Conservation-Area-Appraisal.pdf
Comments are welcomed and should be returned by email to conservation@dover.gov.uk or in writing to Council Offices, White Cliffs Business Park, Whitfield, Dover CT16 3PJ no later than 29 February.
Further information about conservation area status is available at www.dover.gov.uk/Planning/Conservation/Conservation-Areas/Conservation-Areas.aspx
If you have any further questions, contact DDC at conservation@dover.gov.uk
Notes to editors:
Until the Dissolution of the Monasteries in the 16th century, the area where the Dour Street Conservation Area now extends belonged to the Maison Dieu Pilgrims’ Hospice (the building now known as Dover Town Hall or the Maison Dieu).
The development of the area was part of the rapid increase in population and the need for houses in Dover during the 19th century.
Posted on 24 January 2024