Food Waste FAQs
On collection day your green food bin will be emptied into a 'transfer' bin solely for food waste, it is not being mixed with other recycling. This transfer bin will be used for other properties until its full enough to be emptied on the automatic lifting equipment on the freighter.
What size is the caddy?
The bin measures - W 25cm, D 21cm, H 21cm
What size is the food bin?
The bin measures - W 32cm, D 40cm, H 41cm
When will my Organic /Food waste be collected?
Your food waste will be collected on the same day as your normal refuse or your recycling collection every week. This is a weekly service.
What can I put in my caddy/ bin?
Meat and fish, raw and cooked including bones, fruit and vegetables, raw and cooked. All dairy products such as eggs and cheese, breads, cakes, pastries, rice pasta and beans. Uneaten food from your plates and dishes, tea bags and coffee grounds.
What can't I put in my caddy/bin?
Non-food products, packaging of any sort, plastic bags. (don't use them as liners), oils, liquids or any glass of any kind & animal faeces.
How do I use my food caddy?
If you line your caddy you should use either corn starch compostable liners displaying the European Bioplastics logo or newspaper. Your food waste can be placed loose into the caddy or the larger 23ltr bin. If you need corn starch liners you can purchase these from local supermarkets. DO NOT USE PLASTIC BAGS.
When the caddy is full empty the contents into either the large lockable external food caddy/bin or the bulk food wheeled bin. Please place your large food caddy/bin at the boundary of your property with your other waste or recycling. Please ensure that your food waste container is out for collection by 7am on your collection day and can be clearly seen.
Where can I purchase the compostable caddy liners ?
Compostable / biodegradable bags can be bought from many household and DIY stores, or can be purchased online, and we recommend searching under “Compostable caddy liner”. Remember, you can also use newspaper to line the inside of your food waste caddy.
Can I put my silver food caddy out for emptying?
No, Decant the contents of the caddy into the large green lockable external food bin.
What happens if my food waste is not collected?
If your food is not collected it may be one of the following reasons. The bin may contain the wrong materials. The bin may not have been presented on time. If your collection has been missed please report it with 24 hours and we will return to collect it.
What happens to the food waste when it is collected?
Food waste is taken to a processing plant near Maidstone where it will be mixed with other organic waste and sent for in-vessel composting which results in a rich fertilizer that is used on agricultural land.
What happens if my bin goes missing?
If your bin goes missing on the day of collection then please report this at and details of how to get a replacement bin will be explained.
What if I have too much food waste for one bin?
The standard food bins used within the district have a capacity of 23 litres and the food waste accounts for up to 15% of the volume of your waste. If you recycle you should have sufficient capacity. For most households the bin should be adequate to hold your weekly food waste.
What if I live in a flat?
Communal recycle bins will be provided, the size is dependant on the number of units. Each flat will receive a food caddy and when full can be emptied into the communal food bin ready for the weekly collection.
Can I put biodegradable face wipes in the composting bin?
No, they won't break down quickly enough in the accelerated commercial composting conditions so are not suitable for the process. They should be put into the grey lidded refuse bin.