Home > Business > Licensing > Other Licences > Sex Entertainment > Model conditions - Sexual Entertainment Venue

Model conditions - Sexual Entertainment Venue

Exhibition of Licence

  • The licence or clear copy shall be prominently displayed at all times so as to be readily and easily seen by all persons using the premises.

Conduct and Management of Premises

  • The licensee or the responsible person shall maintain a daily register to be kept on the premises and produced to an authorised officer on request. The register to be completed each day within 30 minutes of the Sex Entertainment Venue opening for business and will record the name and contact details of any person who is to be responsible for managing the Sex Entertainment Venue in the absence of the licensee and details of all staff employed at the premises including performers.
  • A notice showing the name of the person responsible for the management of the sex entertainment venue on that day to be prominently displayed within the sex establishment throughout the period during which he is responsible for its conduct.
  • Where the licensee is a body corporate or an unincorporated body any change of director, company secretary or other person responsible for the management of the body is to be notified in writing to the Council within 14 days of such change.
  • The licensee shall ensure that no part of the building or its boundary is used by prostitutes (male or female) for the purposes of soliciting or any other immoral purposes. 
  • Neither the licensee nor any employee or other person shall seek to obtain custom by means of personal solicitation outside or in the vicinity of the premises.
  • The licensee shall ensure that the public are not admitted to any part or parts of the premises other than those that have been approved by the Council.
  • Licensee shall maintain good order on the premises and in particular shall ensure that no:
    • lewd conduct
    • indecent behaviour
    • unlawful possession and/or supply of controlled drugs
    • conduct likely to cause a breach of the peace on the premises
    • offers of any sexual or other indecent service for reward
    • any acts of violence against person or property and/or the attempt or threat of such acts
  • A management operation manual detailing all aspects of procedure when the premises is operating relevant entertainment shall be produced and approved by the Licensing Authority. This document shall be on going and under constant review.
  • All members of staff shall be easily identifiable. If required by the Council or Kent Police in writing the licensee shall ensure that during the hours the premises are open for relevant entertainment staff will wear a badge of a type/format approved by the Council indicating their name and that they are an employee or person working in the premises.

Age Restriction

  • No person under the age of 18 shall be admitted to the premises or employed in the business of the sex establishment.
  • A prominent clear notice shall be displayed at each entrance to the premises advising customers that no person under 18 will be admitted and they may be asked to produce evidence of their age.

  • All members of staff at the premises shall seek credible photographic proof of age evidence from any person who appears to be under the age of 25 years and who is seeking access to the premises. Such credible evidence, which shall include a photograph of the customer, will either be a passport, photographic driving licence, or proof of age card carrying a ‘PASS’ logo.


  • Door supervisors, registered in accordance with the Security Industry Authority (SIA) shall be on duty at all times when relevant entertainment is taking place.
  • An adequate number of door supervisors shall be on duty on the premises whilst relevant entertainment takes place. There shall be at least one door supervisor on each entrance, in each separate part of the premises and on the door to the dressing room.
  • CCTV to be installed to a standard agreed by the Council to cover all public areas, including all access and egress points in accordance with CCTV Code of Practice. Maintained and serviced on a regular basis and records to be kept. The system to have an incorporated recording facility and recordings to be stored for one calendar month. The CCTV system to be fully operational throughout the hours that the premises are open for licensable activity. Access of the recordings to be made available at any reasonable time to Police and Local Authority officers upon request. Staff will be fully trained in the CCTV system and there will be at least one member of staff on duty during trading hours who is able to provide a recording of any incident in a format that can be taken away to be viewed.


  • No display, advertisement, word, letter, model, sign, light, placard, board, notice, device, representation, drawing, writing or any matter or thing (where illuminated or not) shall be exhibited so as to be visible from outside the premises without approval by the Council.
  • The licence holder shall not display outside the premises, or on any advertising material, photographs or other images that indicate and suggest striptease or similar dancing takes place on the premises and which may be offensive.
  • The premises should not advertise by means of cruising vehicles or use of any other form of solicitation to invite people into the premises.

External and Internal access to an area holding relevant entertainment

  • The entrances to the premises shall be of a material or covered with a material that will render the interior of the premises invisible to passers by.
  • Windows and openings within the premises other than entrances will have curtains / blinds of a type and size that covers windows and openings which render the interior of the premises where relevant entertainment is taking place invisible to passers by and/or other areas within the building that are open to the public for other activities. 
  • Windows will remain closed whilst the premises or part of that premises is being used for relevant entertainment.

Layout of the premises

  • No fastening of any description shall be fitted upon any booth or cubicle within the premises.
  • All dance booths or cubicles are to be equipped with a panic alarm for safety.
  • Any changes to layout of the premises, be that with the intention to change to another form of sex establishment or otherwise , must be informed to the licensing authority in writing submitting plans. Alteration must not take place without prior written consent by the Licensing Authority.
  • The licensee shall ensure that no noise shall emanate from the premises or vibration be transmitted through the structure of the premises which gives rise to a nuisance to the occupiers of premises in the vicinity of the premises. Therefore the licensee shall ensure that no form of loudspeaker or sound amplification equipment is sited on or near the exterior of the premises or in or near any foyer, doorway, window or opening to those premises.
  • The external doors to the premises shall be fitted with a device to provide for their automatic closure and such devices shall be maintained in good working order. 
  • Doors and openings which lead to parts of the premises to which the public are not permitted to have access shall have notices placed over them marked ‘private’ and remain closed other than for the purposes of the ingress and egress of management, staff and performers.


  • An appropriate room shall be set aside to provide a changing and rest area for entertainers. Arrangements shall be made to ensure that there is restricted access to this room which shall be maintained at all times whilst the licensable activities are taking place and until such time as all performers using the dressing room have finished.
  • At all times during the performance, performers shall have direct access to a dressing room without passing through or in close proximity to the audience.
  • On leaving the premises performers, who wish to be, shall be escorted by a staff member to their vehicle or other safe location.
  • Performers shall be aged not less than 18 years old. 
  • Only the performers shall provide the entertainment, no audience participation shall be permitted.
  • Whilst dancers are performing there shall be a minimum distance of one metre between the dancer and the seated customers and prominent, clear notices shall be displayed at each table stating this requirement.
  • There shall be no physical contact between customers and the dancers except for the placing of money or tokens in a garter or into the hands of the dancer at the beginning or conclusion of a performance.
  • No performance shall include a sex act with any other performer, persons in the audience or with the use of any object or animal.
  • During any lap dancing performance, performers may not:
    • Touch customers in any way
    • Performer must not be within 30cms (12”) from any part of a patron
    • Climb onto furniture provided for patrons
    • Simulate sex acts
    • Use sex articles
  • In the event of the relevant entertainment being performed for private viewing, the patron shall be informed of the duration and price of the relevant entertainment and the details shall be specified in a clearly visible notice in each area designed for private relevant entertainment.
  • Any person who can be observed from the outside of the premises must be properly and decently dressed. Scantily clad individuals shall not exhibit in the entranceway or in an area of the premises open to the public that is not designated area for relevant entertainment.
  • All performers shall be aware of the management operation that will include a written policy on the conduct of performers.
  • Photography or videoing of performances should not be allowed.
  • Routine checking of employment records and evidence that they have the right to work in the UK.
  • Performers should not be permitted to arrange contacts or liaisons, exchange   telephone numbers or other means of making contact while on the premises

Sale of Goods

  • Neither sex articles nor other things intended for use in connection with, or for the purpose of stimulating or encouraging sexual activity or acts of force or restraint which are associated with sexual activity shall be displayed, sold, hired, exchanged, loaned or demonstrated in a Sex Entertainment Venue.

Display of Tariff and Charges

  • There shall be prominently and legibly displayed a comprehensive tariff of all charges and prices which shall be illuminated and placed in such a position that it can easily and conveniently be read by persons before entering the premises. No employee shall stand in such a position as to obscure the notice.
  • Where a charge is to be made for the company of a hostess or other companion this shall be identified on the tariff of charges to the satisfaction of the Council.
  • No order shall be accepted unless the customer has been provided with a copy of the said tariff and has been given sufficient time and opportunity to read it.
  • No charge shall be made to the customer for any drink provided for the hostess or companion unless that customer has specifically ordered it having first been made aware of the cost