Secure your home

  • bolted doorLock doors and windows when you go out or work in the garden – if you have uPVC windows or doors then double-lock them with the keys to secure them properly.
  • Never leave keys or valuables on display near windows or doors.
  • Avoid keeping large amounts of cash at home.
  • Security mark valuable items and keep receipts somewhere safe.
  • Consider fitting intruder alarms, door chains, a spy hole and external lights.
  • Don’t open the door to unexpected callers – use a door chain and check their identity first.
  • If an offer seems too good, it probably is – don’t part with your money unless you are sure the source is genuine.
  • Dispose of packaging carefully – wrapping and boxes for expensive items can advertise rich pickings for criminals.
  • Cancel milk and papers when you go away, and use timer switches on lights and radios to give the impression someone is home.
  • Ask a trusted neighbour to keep an eye on your property while you are away.

carboard boxes put out for binmen

Dont wait until its too late  Mark your valuable