

  1. What is the name of your Local Authority
  2. What was your in year collection rate (%) for the year 2022/23?
  3. Was your Council Tax Reduction delivered through a banded scheme in 2022/23
  4. If yes, please provide the link to the application on your website
  5. How many Council Tax Accounts did you have in the year 2022/23? For this and the following questions, please assume 1 account per property, where there are in year changes in liability
  6. How many accounts had an award of Council Tax Reduction in 2022/23?
  7. Of the accounts in Q6, how many were issued with a final notice within the year 22/23?
  8. Of the accounts in Q6, how many progressed to liability order within the year 22/23?
  9. Of the remaining accounts without Council Tax Reduction, how many were issued with a final notice within the year 22/23
  10. Of the remaining accounts without Council Tax Reduction, how many progressed to liability order within the year 22/23


  1. Dover District Council
  2. 97.16%
  3. Yes
  4. Note - This is the link for the 2023/24 application, as the 2022/23 is no longer held.
  5. 54,696
  6. 9,420
  7. 1,756
  8. 795
  9. 2,218
  10. 1,197