Please could you provide me with details for the last three years (2023/2022/2021) of how many full-time staff:
- work from home/remotely in a hybrid form (i.e. dividing their time between office and remote/home working)?
- work from home permanently (i.e. work from home for the majority of their contractual hours)?
- have been granted permission to work from abroad firstly, permanently (i.e. work from abroad for the majority of their contractual hours) and secondly, in a hybrid form (i.e. dividing their time between office and remote/home working abroad)? Please list the countries where they work from. If possible - particularly if the above numbers are low - please specify what departments they work in.
- the council employed? In other words, what were the total numbers of all full-time staff employed by the council for 2023/2023 and 2021 (broken down per year)?
- The Council does permit staff to work from home but does not record the numbers of staff who are doing this. The Council therefore does not hold this information.
- The Council has no working from home contracts in place.
- No staff have been granted to work abroad permanently/or in a hybrid form.
- On average, the number of full-time staff employed by the council was as of follows: 2021 – 299, 2022 – 338.5, 2023 – 366.5