Dementia Friendly

Dover District - Dementia Friendly Communities 

De_Dover logo

Dover District Council has launched the ‘Dover District – Dementia Friendly Community’ (Dover District DFC). This is a working partnership of local Dementia Action Alliance groups, Dover District Council & Kent County Council staff, councillors, health & care providers, local businesses and residents. The Dover District DFC meets every quarter to bring the community together, to find out what’s happening locally across the district; learn from the wealth of knowledge and diverse experience on offer, as well as work together to help raise awareness of Dementia across the district. 

If you would like to attend the Dover District DFC meetings, please contact


Activities and Groups across the District


Memory Café at Deal Centre

3rd Wednesday of the month 10am-12pm

Teresa 01304 372 608

No booking required.

All welcome

Memory Café, St Richards Hall Mill Hi

2nd and last Tuesday of the Month 4pm-6pm

Sally 01304 614237

No booking required.

All welcome

(MCST) Maintenance Cognitive Stimulation Therapy at Deal Centre

Thursdays 1.30pm-3.30pm

Fridays 10am-12pm

Teresa 01304 372 608

Wait list so need to book. 

For person with Dementia

Carers Support Coffee Group, Golf Road Centre

1st Wednesday of the month 10am-12pm

0300 302 0061


No booking required for carers only

Deal Zest, Astor Theatre, Stanhope Road, CT14 6AB.

Thursdays 10am-12pm

Marion 01227467272 

No booking required. All welcome 

Carer's Chat, Balmoral Surgery, Canada Road, Walmer, CT14 7EQ 

3rd Thursday of the month

2pm - 3:30pm 

Sally 01304 614237

No booking required


St Margaret’s

Memory Café at St Margaret’s Village Hall Reach Road

1st 3rd  4th  Friday of the month 10am-12pm

Liz  07904 803051 


No booking

required All welcome



Sandwich Age Concern

Sunflower centre                           

Monday – Friday 9.30am-3pm     

Sally 01304 614237   

Wait list booking required

Dementia Drop-in-Clinic

Last Thursday of the month - 2pm to 4pm                

Sally 01304 614237

Drop in

Memory Café

2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month

10.30am - 12pm

Sally 01304 614237

No booking required

Coggs Club

Friday 10am – 3pm

Sally 01304 614237

Wait list, booking required

Carer's Chat

1st Thursday of the month 

1:30pm - 3pm 

Sally 01304 614237 No booking required             



Memory Cafe Dover

at Riverside Centre


 1st Wednesday of the month 10am-12pm


 Debbie 07821636980


No booking required


Carers Coffee Morning

at Riverside Centre


3rd Tuesday of the month 10am-11:30am

Debbie 07821636980

No booking required

Maintenance Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (MCST)

at Riverside Centre


Every Thursday



£6 per session or £65 for 12 weeks

Debbie 07821636980

Booking required

Monthly Meet up Group

at Riverside Centre 


2nd Tuesday of the Month


Debbie 07821636980

No booking required

Art of Age at Smart Project 


Every Tuesday

10am - 12pm 


No booking required 

Men's Social Club

3rd Tuesday of every month

2pm - 3:30pm 



No booking required 

Memory Meadows Activity Day 

Fridays 10am - 3pm 

£45 a week by in advance incoice, includes 2 course lunch, drinks, snacks and no more than 1-2.5 ratio of staff 



Assessment needed



Memory Café Aylesham

at Bechange                                                          


4th Tuesday of the month




No booking required

Memory Café Lydden

at Village Hall                                                        


3rd Monday of the month




 No booking required


Updated 26/09/2024


Dementia Awareness

Please see our Dementia Awareness pages for further general information.  

Ageing Well

Please see our Ageing Well pages for further information on continuing to live active, independent and fulfilled lives.