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Performance Management

Performance management is at the heart of good management. For Dover District Council, it helps to ensure that we are achieving what we set out to do, giving value for money and making life better for our residents.  

To support performance management, we monitor our performance against a set of key performance indicators and by monitoring the progress made against our Corporate Plan

Strategic Performance Dashboard

Every three months we publish information about how our services are performing. The dashboard contains key performance indicators, organised by directorate and service area. Against each of the indicators we provide a chart showing the direction of travel, illustrating whether there are improvements, no change, or a fall in performance over time. 

All reports relating to performance are submitted to our Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny Committee. To view the archive to these committees please visit our ‘Agendas, Minutes and Memberships for all Committees of the Council’ page.


We are currently reviewing our Performance Management Framework and Key Performance Indicators.

We will continue with the existing measures until Cabinet has approved our new approach. The Quarter One 2024/25 report will be submitted our Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny Committee meetings in September.  



Email: policy@dover.gov.uk