Home > Councillors and Elections > Elections > Dover Town Council, St Radigunds Ward accessible ballot paper

Dover Town Council, St Radigunds Ward accessible ballot paper

A List of candidates for Election for the Dover Town Council (Saint Radigunds Ward) are on this page to assist partially sighted or blind voters that may use a tactile voting device at the polling station.

The row numbers used in the list of candidates below match the braille rows on the tactile voting device which polling station staff can place on the ballot paper for you. 

Each row of the tactile voting device has a flap which can be lifted. Underneath the flap is the box where you need to mark the ballot paper for voting.

Vote for only one candidate by putting a cross in the box next to your choice.

Row number 1 is DAWES, Bekah, address in Dover, Labour Party

Row number 2 is O'CONNOR, Stephanie Renée, address in Dover, Green Party

Row number 3 is SKELTON, Travis Leon Brearley, address in Dover

After marking your ballot paper the polling station staff can guide you to the ballot box.  

Ballot papers must be put in to the ballot box for them to be counted.