Community Housing Mini Conference November 2019
November Mini Conference - Friday 15th November 2019
Thank You !
We’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who came along to and supported the Community-led Housing Mini Conference on Friday, and helped to make the event such a success, with lots of expert advice to help communities. We thoroughly enjoyed the workshop sessions from Locality and Bunker Housing Co-operative.
We have two presentations from the afternoon available for you to review, please click on the links below to view these.
DDC's Presentation: What is Community led housing?
Locality's Presentation: Development Funding for Community Led Housing
Spotlight on Mini Conference Speaker
Bunker Housing Co-operative
We are delighted to announce Martyn Holmes from Bunker Housing Co-operative Limited will be presenting an exciting session at the mini conference. Bunker are currently completing their first co-operative housing project and are moving onto projects two and three!
Co-operatives are one model of Community-Led Housing. Co-ops allow people to control their homes through community membership and build a supportive community. This means living in a housing co-operative can be a good way to get affordable housing and may give you more control.
How your Community-Led Housing Ideas Can Become a Successful Project!
Martyn will be presenting Bunker’s first project and talking through the process of setting up and creating a successful community-led housing project. Martyn will discuss the barriers Bunker has overcome and he will be providing local groups with inspiration on how to develop their own community-led housing ideas.
Bunker are a lively and welcoming housing group with plenty of experience and inspiration. They are offering peer-to-peer support through a questions and answers session, this could help turn your ideas into a successful project.
Bunker Housing Co-operative Limited is a self-build housing co-op formed in 2015. They are located in Brighton with the aim of building high quality housing low-income households living in private rented accommodation with little hope of either buying their own home or being housed by the local authority. Bunker are a non-equity co-op and all members are either registered in housing need with the Brighton & Hove Homemove housing register or match the council’s eligibility criteria.
“Our goal is to build well designed, high quality, truly affordable eco homes and our first build started in the autumn of 2018 on a derelict council owned garage site located off Plumpton Road, on the Pankhurst Estate in the Queens Park area in Brighton. We have been working closely with the Estate Regeneration Team at Brighton and Hove Council, Brighton and Hove Community Land Trust our local CLH hub along with other stakeholders to make this “pilot scheme” a success with a view to developing several further sites in the city over the coming years.”
Spotlight on Mini Conference Speaker - Locality
We are delighted to announce David Ahlquist and Debbie Wildridge from leading charity organisation Locality will be coming along to Dover to share their wealth of knowledge and experience.
David & Debbie will lead a discussion focused on the various funding options available to groups from different organisations. This will include start-up, feasibility and pre-delivery assistance, (revenue funding) through to the actual build (capital funding).
Locality is the national network supporting community organisations to be strong and successful, so communities can thrive. They provide support to groups to get started, develop detailed business plans and become Registered Providers. They can help with developing community-led housing models, legal structures, governance, assessing viability, provide mentors and peer to peer support.
Click here to visit Locality’s website and find out about their community support programmes.
Locality currently provide support to community led housing groups on behalf of several local authorities. In the past they delivered the pioneering Early Stage Support Programme funded by Nationwide Foundation and it has led on many national and local initiatives supporting in related areas such as neighbourhood planning, community asset management and localism.
Locality is one of the partners in the national partnership for community led housing along with The National Community Land Trust Network, UK Cohousing and The Confederation of Co-operative Housing.

Click here to visit the Community Led Homes website
Don’t miss out on your chance for expert support and advice on your community-led housing project.