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Land hire fees and other event support costs

Hire Fees

Category Price Per DayDeposit
Standard £260 £1,400
Micro commercial £260 £1,400
Small commercial £770 £2,000
Large commercial £1,200 £5,000
Community or charity £65 £280


Hire of parks for commercial run fitness session or similar activities - £36.00 per hour.

Deposits are refundable provided no damage is caused to the land or no costs are incurred by the Council, for example additional refuse collections, increased utility bills etc.

Administration Fee 

 Event Safety Advisory Group admin fee for Type 1 (small events)  - see tier system N/A 
 Events Safety Advisory Group admin fee for Type 2 (medium events & Type 3 (large events) - see tier system  £40


Tier system

   Event Type 1 Event Type 2   Event Type 3
Description  Small events, under 100 people in attendance, no full road closure required. TPC Road closures can still be processed for small events Medium events, up to 500 people, or a TPC/full (section 16) road closure is required. Large event, over 500 people or any temporary structure on site overnight.
Application process 6 weeks’ notice required to apply through ESAG process 12 weeks’ notice required to apply through ESAG process. 12 weeks’ notice required to apply through ESAG process.
Additional measures N/A Photos before events open to be sent to events@dover.gov.uk

Overnight security provided by event organiser at the event organiser's cost

ESAG site check by a CDO to check that the site layout matches that disclosed on the ESAG paperwork

Waste Services - Event support costs

For events that require additional bins and/or additional emptying of litter bins and supply and collection of waste bags, please see list of costs below:

Bulk Bin Provision
Bin Size & Type  Bin Deployment Cost (per hour*) Rental Cost (per bin, per day)  Servicing Cost (per bin, per lift**) Bin Removal Cost (per hour*) 
140L Foodwaste bin  £114.34 £0.12  £3.74  £114.34
180L Refuse  £114.34 £0.12  £4.49  £114.34
240L Recycling  £114.34 £0.12  £4.49  £114.34
360L Recycling  £114.34 £0.12  £5.34  £114.34
660L Refuse  £131.45 £0.18  £8.25  £131.45
660L Recycling  £131.45 £0.18   £8.25  £131.45
1100L Refuse  £131.45 £0.18  £12.48  £131.45
1100L Recycling  £131.45 £0.18  £12.48  £131.45

* Indicative time / cost can be provided, actuals will be charged.
** A minimum of one servicing charge will be levied for each deployment.


Supply and collection of bags***
(Supply of 4 x rolls of litter bags (80 in total), and collection of these bags from agreed location)
Saturdays £332.34
Sundays and Bank Holidays £377.46
Weekdays 7am - 6pm £269.34
Weekdays 6pm - 10pm £305.72

 *** Prices above are for each multiple of 80 bags, or part thereof.

Additional emptying of litter bins****
(Additional emptying of existing litter/dog bins outside of the scheduled empties)
 Saturdays  £299.28
 Sundays and Bank Holidays  £335.52
 Weekdays 7am - 6pm  £262.90
 Weekdays 6pm - 10pm  £299.28

**** Prices above are for two additional litter/dog bin empties in the immediate vicinity of the event, and apply for each multiple thereof.