Don't Rubbish Your Street Campaign

‘Don’t rubbish your street campaign’
DDC is working closely with residents to test a new scheme that aims to combat the rise in bagged waste being left on the district’s streets.
The “Don’t Rubbish Your Street Campaign” is being run in partnership between Veolia and the Council’s Environmental Crime and Waste Services Teams over a six-week campaign period.
The campaign combines recognised approaches used across the country such as Newham Council’s Better Streets programme to combat fly-tipping through a staged approach of awareness raising, escalating to enforcement
The scheme will start on 17 June 2024 targeting part of London Road in Dover.
Most residents use the waste collection service correctly, putting their waste out by 7am on the right day just before the scheduled collection.
Some waste, however, is left outside in rubbish sacks on the wrong day for collection. Putting waste out too early for collection is unsightly, can attract seagulls/vermin and causes an obstruction to the public.
Residents are being asked to put their household waste out for the normal weekly collection. This will be supported by the following activity.
- Week 1 - Residents will be asked to tell us about any problems they may have regarding their waste collection. Council officers will visit the area, talk with residents, and give out information leaflets.
- Week 2 – DDC will put up signage advising residents of the correct collection day and how household waste should be disposed of.
- Week 3 – Council officers will take photos of any waste that is still presented incorrectly and arrange its clearance.
- Week 4 – Council officers will put stickers on waste still presented incorrectly to highlight it and to politely request that it’s taken back in until the appropriate collection day.
- Weeks 5 and 6 - If waste is still being presented incorrectly, council officers will investigate and follow up in accordance with DDCs domestic waste enforcement procedure.
We hope that this campaign will encourage those residents who aren’t using the council’s waste collection service appropriately, to dispose of their household rubbish in the correct way. By taking this informative approach, we hope to identify those who need additional help and support before it gets to a stage where we need to take enforcement action.
If this pilot scheme is successful, there is scope to trial the campaign in further areas of the district.
Dover District Council Services and information:
Should you wish to do any of the following:
- check your scheduled collection day;
- check a missed refuse and recycling collection;
- book a bulky waste collection;
- order a new bin, DDC's purple sacks or recycling containers; or
- sign up for the garden waste scheme
Then please Click Here and log your request via our online forms.
For further information on our kerbside collection service, including what waste should go in each bin, and what happens to the waste we collect, then please visit our kerbside collection webpage.
For tips on sustainablity and reducing your waste please visit our reduce, reuse, repair and recycle webpage.