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Event Planning: Things to consider

Establish an Event Team »

Identify a group of people that will help to plan and deliver the event.

Roads »

If you need to close a public highway please include all information in your event notification form so that it can be passed onto KCC Highways & Transportation and Kent Police. In most cases, a road closure request must be made at least 12 weeks before your event!

Licences »

Licences are needed for events with alcohol, entertainment or late night refreshments, Charity and street collections and lotteries/raffles. 

Food and Drink »

If any food is going to be served (even if it is free), our Food Safety Team will review your paperwork and offer useful information and advice. 

Risk Assessment »

Make sure that you do a risk assessment – this is a careful examination of the potential hazards that may be involved in a particular activity or range of activities. Use your common sense to ensure that risks have been evaluated and that nobody is going to get hurt.  

Is your event accessible to everyone? »

Have a think about how deaf and disabled people will get on at your event and make sure that you make any adjustments needed to accommodate them. 

Rubbish »

The public and those putting on the entertainment will create rubbish, often in considerable quantities, some of which may well be hazardous.  Organisers must therefore make the necessary arrangements to deal with this problem.  See the Waste and Recycling section for more information and how to contact us to discuss management of the litter and/or trade waste created by your event.

Noise »

Noise generated by events can be disturbing and there is guidance to help those planning events to reduce the risk of disturbance from noise.  Noise disturbance can include music, public address systems, fireworks, the audience and equipment such as generators. Consideration must always be given to residents and businesses living and operating close to where the event is taking place. Noise control should form an integral part of the event planning process and after considering the suitability of a venue, you must consider carefully the position of entry and exit points, stage location, equipment, car parking etc.

Talk to your community »

Engage with the local community, residents and local businesses as they may be affected by your event, especially if you are having road closures.   

Make a Plan »

Prepare an Event Management Plan.  This document covers all aspects of your event and how you plan to manage them. 

Advertise »

Think about how you will advertise your event and whether planning permission is required. Remember to allow enough time for an application to be processed and if necessary for an alternative form of advertising to be considered.

A-Z Guide to Planning and Running Your Event »

Need Help?

Contact us online or email events@dover.gov.uk